I would like to share with you the most revolutionary change that is going to take place in my medical practice, and one that I feel is going to change the way medicine is practiced
For the past 30 years, my practice has been based on two approaches to diagnosing and treating disease. The first is the treating the physical body using nutrition, IV therapies, heavy metal detox, oxidative therapies, etc. These methods use physical substances to change the biomolecular structure of the body to help it regain health.
The second method has been to use subtle energies. These are treatments that can’t be measured by conventional methods. These include microcurrent, pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, syntonic light therapy, and homeopathy. It is felt that these subtle energies act as a catalyst to balance the emotions of the body and stimulate healing.
The third method that I have discovered is the one that I feel is going to revolutionize medicine forever. It involves treatment using the information field, or energy field, that our entire system projects. Is this a futuristic fantasy or is it a reality that will change the course of all medical treatment?
I became acquainted with the engineers and doctors who developed TimeWaver, the specialized Information field analysis equipment used to evaluate and treat imbalances in the body, in April 2014, in Paris when I was introduced to their equipment. I became very intrigued and decided to visit their corporate headquarters in Berlin, Germany, the following June. I experienced the TimeWaver device, and my wife and I had an evaluation and several treatments which were very remarkable!
The TimeWaver combines a type of diagnosis through the informational field with treatment through electrical current. The therapeutic procedure involves communication with the information field of a patient, in order to detect and dissolve the traumatic experiences of his /her life which are the basis of disease processes in emotional, psychic, and even deeper fields. The information field contains all the memories and experiences a person has had on any level – physical, emotional, mental, or psychic.
Nuno Nina
Nuno Nina is the co-inventor of the TimeWaver Frequency System and has created his own therapeutic treatment protocol that is available to therapists and doctors who use this methodology. As the director of many clinics in Portugal he uses this new technology to treat international clients including presidents of nations and top athletes. There are now over 100 therapists worldwide using the TimeWaver Frequency System and his methodology. Due to his various qualifications and expertise in systems engineering, mathematics, biochemistry, and homeopathy, Niño Nina was able to develop software and hardware that would change the way people will view their health. This has also revolutionized the way the medical industry sees imbalances in the body and the treatment of illness and disease. He has successfully applied his novel method to over 12,000 patients in numerous clinics.
In order for the body and its organs and cells to communicate in an effective way with the information field, there has to be a language. The “words” of this language are electric frequencies. They interact directly with the biophysical processes of the cells and communicate with the information field. The individual language of electric frequencies cannot be completely standardized. While every organ communicates its own spectrum of resonant frequencies, those frequencies need to be determined in the present moment. For this, we need direct access to the information field. Nuno Nina gained a great deal of experience interpreting the frequencies for his patients, directly from the information field, and successfully designed a therapy to work with them. TimeWaver Frequency analyzes and balances the bioenergetic field of a person by means of frequencies detected in the information field.
Frequency therapy and its variations, such as microcurrent stimulation (MST), cranial electro stimulation (CES), transcranial stimulation (TCS), and galvanic current therapy (GCT), are not accepted by orthodox medicine. This form of treatment has its origin in the area of alternative healing and can be understood as a bioenergetic balancing. Whether these applications have relevance for a particular patient must be determined by the therapist working with the patient.
Medically necessary procedures must be included in the total protocol to treat a patient since TimeWaver Frequency does not replace a professional medical diagnosis. The TimeWaver Frequency device is an approved medical product class MP IIa licensed in the European Union.
Marcus Schmieke
Marcus Schmieke is an inventor, entrepreneur and visionary who realized that the problems facing science today could not be solved without considering natural law, universal principles and learning from nature about its self-sustaining capability. As a result of his experience and years of involvement in medicine, philosophy, and physics, he formulated a simple set of mathematical equations describing the resonances of gravitational waves with space and matter. All of this led to the development and creation of the TimeWaver Med System. He leads several scientific research projects about the interactions between consciousness and matter. He has published numerous books and articles on this topic and his ideas have enjoyed great and unanticipated success in a number of countries.
The meeting of these two great thinkers has been a benefit to the world of medicine and all the patients who have and will find relief and healing with this cutting edge technology.
Both Nuno Nina and Marcus Schmieke will be speaking at the 8th Annual Microcurrent Conference in October 2014!
Robert van Hess from TimeWaver
Special Invitation to have Informational Field Treatment at the Florida Wellness Center
Dr. Ursula Zirngibl and Robert van Hees. long time users and teachers of the TimeWaver technology will be visiting the Florida Wellness Center August 25 through August 29, 2014 to supervise my treatments of eye diseases (Macular Degeneration, glaucoma and cataracts) using the TimeWaver Technology. We are offering a special one week package of Timewaver treatments during this week.
If you are interested please call the office for more information! Limited to 5 patients! 800-430-9328