Here’s what happened on Healing The Eye

1. Is Congenital Glaucoma a Genetic Disorder?

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Congenital glaucoma is a disease that affects the vulnerable: infants and young children. But, what exactly causes this disease? Is it a genetic disorder? And finally, what congenital glaucoma treatment options are available to sufferers all over the world? Let’s find out… Click to read more

2. Are Cataracts Always Visible?

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Are cataracts always visible? If they are visible, are they detectable early on, right? In some instances, when you look in the mirror you’ll see that your pupil is milky white, instead of its normal black hue. But this isn’t always the case. What if we told you, that you can’t always see your cataracts… Click to read more

3. Living With Color Blindness | What You Need To Know

Living With Color Blindness | What You Need To Know
Color blindness, otherwise known as color vision deficiency, is an inherited condition and is not actual blindness. This inherited condition occurs when light-sensitive cells in the retina fail to respond accurately to various wavelengths of light, which allows us to see an array of colors. Therefore, individuals with color blindness have difficulty distinguishing certain colors such as red and green or blue and yellow. Certain colors will appear dull or washed out and these individuals will easily mistake these colors. It all depends on what form of color blindness they may have… Click to read more

4. 5 Ways to Keep Your Eyes Healthy This Winter

Feature | Ways to Keep Your Eyes Healthy This Winter
It’s important to keep your eyes healthy, especially during the busiest time of the year. The holidays can be stressful, but it’s not an excuse to neglect your eyes. Here are a few ways to take care of your eyes this winter… Click to read more

5. Tips To Reduce The Symptoms Of Computer Vision Syndrome

Tips To Reduce The Symptoms Of Computer Vision Syndrome
With the technology of today, we are constantly looking at screens…computer screens, phone screens, tablet screens, and TV screens. It’s no wonder that our eyes are strained…some more than others. Eye strain and other vision-related problems are most common with those who spend long hours at the computer. In fact, an estimated 50-90% of these individuals experience continued eye strain. Over time, a condition known as computer vision syndrome can develop… Click to read more

What have you learned about eye care this week? Let us know in the comments below.

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