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Don’t Miss These Posts On Healing The Eye…

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Here’s what happened on Healing The Eye

1. 7 Different Types of Conjunctivitis You Must Know

Different types of conjunctivitis include eye infections from contacts, to viral infections of the eyes, and despite its scientific name, conjunctivitis is more commonly known as pink eye. This is the inflammation of eye’s mucous membrane, the conjunctiva. Conjunctivitis is one of the most common eye problems caused by infection, allergens, and foreign body contaminants… Click to read more

2. Safe Way to Detox Heavy Metals Without IV EDTA Chelation

How does one detox heavy metals after exposure? Before we answer this question, let us get this out of the way first: everyone has already been exposed to a considerable level of heavy metals. We will be discussing the most common heavy metal detoxification procedure, chelation therapy, and more importantly, the more non-invasive options. Heavy metal detox supplements are something we specialize in, and if you are looking for a more natural way to improve your eyesight… Click to read more

3. How to Boost Optic Nerve Function Safely

Glaucoma treatments boil down to one core process: improving optic nerve function. Healthy optic tract function can be achieved through different treatment options. For people who are looking for an alternative way to improve and restore their eyesight, we will also discuss a homeopathic option that could work in accordance with medical treatment plans… Click to read more

4. How To Improve Eye Health Naturally

With the winter months upon us, learning about how to improve eye health naturally should be a top priority. Eye health is an important area that too often falls by the wayside. Most people tend to neglect their eye health and regret it at a later time. Don’t let that happen! Learn some of the natural remedies for improving your eye health as you read through! Click to read more

What have you learned about eye care this week? Let us know in the comments below.

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