Here’s what happened on Healing The Eye

1. 7 Types of Cataracts and Its Natural Remedies

Feature | Types of Cataracts and Its Natural Remedies

There are seven different types of cataracts, with a variety of causes. At the present time, professionals believe that surgery is the only viable treatment for cataracts. However, research is expanding its scope to explore how a balanced diet and natural remedies can prevent or slow down cataracts. Read the list below to learn about the types of cataracts, and how you can prevent them the natural way!… Click to read more

2. Best Herbal Products To Help Treat Glaucoma

Feature | Best Herbal Products To Help Treat Glaucoma

While there are a lot of medications that may aid or prevent glaucoma, it’s also good to know some of the best herbal products to help treat glaucoma. This disease is an eye condition that can hit anyone. In this post, we will share with you the natural remedies you can use to help treat glaucoma… Click to read more

3. How Does Focal Scurvy Cause Cataracts?

Feature | How Does Focal Scurvy Cause Cataracts?

Some of you might be wondering how focal scurvy can cause cataracts. Scurvy is characterized by generalized weakness, anemia, and a generalized breakdown of the integrity of the connective tissue throughout the body, which results in easy bleeding of the gums and into the soft tissues. What links scurvy and cataracts? We’ll discuss it further as you read through!… Click to read more

4. Using Medical Marijuana For Glaucoma Treatment

Feature | Using Medical Marijuana For Glaucoma Treatment

Is it possible to use medical marijuana for glaucoma treatment? Glaucoma, a serious eye disease, is the world’s leading cause of irreversible blindness. Most often associated with elevated intraocular pressure, glaucoma damages the optic nerve. This link between the brain and the eye is vital when it comes to delivering visual information. Damage to the optic nerve as a result of glaucoma can result in both a loss of vision and blindness… Click to read more

5. How to Prevent Age-related Macular Degeneration

Feature | How to Prevent Age-related Macular Degeneration

If one of your family members has AMD, the anxiety of potentially having it in the future can drive you to look for ways on how to prevent age-related macular degeneration. Good news, there are methods you can start practicing today that can reduce your risk of acquiring this eye disease. Continue reading to know these methods… Click to read more


What have you learned about cataract this week? Let us know in the comments below.

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