A new method to administer Stem Cells for the treatment of eye disease

What is the most effective way to get the stem cells to the vascular part of the eye? 

There are several existing methods. The first method and most commonly used is an intravenous injection of the stem cells. They then circulate through the body, and s small percentage of the cells will reach the retina or optic nerve. Introducing the stem cells, IV acts as a general stimulus for all regeneration in the body. Studies have indicated that microcurrent directed to the retina might serve as a homing device to guide the cells to migrate into the area of the retina.

A new method to administer Stem Cells for the treatment of eye disease


The most effective way would be to introduce the stem cells directly into the retina. Surgeons are using a subretinal injection to place stem cells directly into the retina. Subretinal injections require a delicate procedure called a vitrectomy. This procedure has a very high risk of complications and is not the best method.



A new method to administer Stem Cells for the treatment of eye disease


Another method is to inject the stem cells around and near the outer structure of the eyeball. Two methods are a retrobulbar injection, an injection behind the eye. The second method is a Sub Tenon’s injection. This is an injection inside the protective skin or tenons cover of the eye ball. This enables a high concentration of stem cells near the eye but does not guarantee that the majority of cells will be absorbed into the circulation of the eye.



I recently spent two weeks in Milan, Italy, observing and learning a technique called the Limoli Retina Restoration Technique. This is a technique researched and performed on thousands of cases by Dr. Paolo Limoli over the past ten years. His Technique dramatically improves the effectiveness of the sub-tenons injection. 

A new method to administer Stem Cells for the treatment of eye disease

His Technique involves making a flap into the sclera or the hard covering of the eye. This flap exposes the choroid or the highly vascular layer of the eye. Injecting cells into a pocket over this flap will significantly increase the absorption of stem cells into the central circulation of the eye to directly help in the regeneration of the retina and optic nerve.



The Limoli Technique will be a topic at the Live Streamed Vision Event on Feb 15-16, 2020.  

Goto www. KondrotEvent.com for more information

If you have severe eye conditions, please call our office at 800-430-9328 or email us at
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