Intranasal Light Therapy This therapy involves having a laser light inserted in the nose. It has been shown to reverse such diseases as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s Disease. The therapy aims to establish a natural internal balance that creates wellness. Read...
Most people think of vitamin C deficiency associated with a rare condition called Scurvy. Scurvy is characterized by generalized weakness, anemia, and a generalized breakdown of the integrity of the connective tissue throughout the body, resulting in easy bleeding of...
Avoid all artificial sweeteners! According to research conducted by H. J. Roberts a diabetes specialist and member of the American Diabetic Assiciation, aspartame: 1) Leads to the precipitation of clinical diabetes. 2) Causes poorer diabetic control in diabetics on...
I was diagnosed with eye degeneration six years ago at age 65, and I’m a woman. Four years ago, I developed a “macular pucker” in my left eye. Medically it’s called a epiretinal membrane. It’s a condition that happens more women than men, and usually, in our 60‘s,...
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