Here’s How Your Child’s Vision Develops

Here’s How Your Child’s Vision Develops

None of us is born with a developed vision. It takes some time for the right development of our eyes to complete growing, and also, it takes time to learn how to use them. As parents, it is important to understand how eyesight develops so that we can encourage...
6 Common Strategies to Protect Your Eyesight

6 Common Strategies to Protect Your Eyesight

One of the most necessary things we can do to keep our quality of life would be to safeguard our vision. Vision loss increases with age, and one in every six adults copes using a sight-threatening eye issue. A number of the leading causes of blindness and low vision...
What is the Best Blue Light Filter For Eye Care?

What is the Best Blue Light Filter For Eye Care?

Since it is nearly impossible to avoid blue lighting in today’s time, it’s essential to have a blue light filter for our eyes. We’re constantly surrounded by electronic devices and their screens. Blue light emitted by TV’s, smart phones, desktops, and Ipads are...

Do’s and Don’t for keeping your eyes healthy

If you were ever baffled by the thought of what you should do to take care of your eyes! Then here’s a brief guide, please help yourself and your eyes by following them: Do’s for your eyes 1. Follow eye-friendly diet Consume a diet plentiful in Vitamins,...
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