Glaucoma is an eye disorder that causes loss of sight with damaging part of the eye called the optic nerve. This nerve sends data from your eyes. When glaucoma damages your optic nerve, then you start to lose patches of vision, typically a side vision (peripheral...
When you hear about glaucoma, many facts and thoughts must cross your mind. It refers to a group of eye conditions that affect millions of people and can be attributed as a major cause of vision loss that can ultimately lead up to total blindness in the absence of...
Glaucoma and Diabetes are two distinct complex diseases. Although these two diseases affect human eye and insulin respectively but a person suffering from the latter one is at high risk of developing the former one. Let’s understand the relationship between diabetes...
Alternative medicines or treatments may be described as non-standard or unconventional treatments for glaucoma. But there’s no harm in choosing treatments that are effective and doesn’t include consumption of drugs, putting eye drops, and undergoing expensive...
Glaucoma is estimated to affect 2 million people in America itself, and according to several kinds of research, it has been listed as the second leading cause of blindness after Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD). Glaucoma is a chronic disease which must be...
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