What to choose for Dry Eye: Flaxseed Oil Or Fish Oil?
If you’ve ever been around the pharmacy in a supermarket, you have probably seen the aisles of nutrition supplements available. These products claim to get a variety of benefits, but now we only want to focus on 2: flaxseed oil and fish oil, and what they can do...
How to Keep Your Eyes Safe While Swimming?
For a lot of us, summertime means many trips to the pool, but once we dive in, we should take a peek at what we should be doing to protect our eyes while we are cooling off underwater. In the end, you want to enjoy and not come out of the pool with an injury or an eye...
All you must-know about Children’s Eye-Specialist
Our children are the most important part of our lives and its our duty to make sure they possess the best possible vision for their lifetime. That’s the reason you must be aware of all the right times when you should take your to an eye specialist. When Is It Time To...