The Kondrot Eye and Vision Program. New Brain and Memory Program!

Have you considered the Kondrot Program to improve your vision, memory and quality of life?

Because of my writing, teaching and traveling schedule I will not be able to do my  Kondrot Healing the Eye Program in 2016. I am currently working on two books that will change the way all doctors view eye disease.

Homeopathy and Eye Disease
Microcurrent the Medicine of the Future

New Changes for the Kondrot Program

Since many of you desperately need help to restore lost vision I have a wonderful solution. Dr. Dennis Courtney who has been doing my program for the past 3 years has agreed to step in for me in Florida to do the eye program.

There are over 18 doctors trained throughout the United States, Australia, Puerto Rico and Columbia who are doing the Kondrot Program to Restore Vision.  Click here to find a doctor near you!

Would you like to improve your vision NOW? Want to improve your brain function and memory?
Registration for the Kondrot Program!

Did you know that over 85% of patients who attend the Kondrot Program have a significant change in vision?

Click here to view the Outcome Studies of the Kondrot Program!

The Kondrot Eye and Vision Program. New Brain and Memory Program!
Testimonials of the Kondrot Program


I want to thank everyone at the Healing the Eye Center, from Dr. Kondrot and Dr. Courtney to the staff such as Nicole and Chelsea. Their program is absolutely outstanding and everyone associated with it does a great job. Before coming to the Center I had a lot of vision problems including a cataract and early macular degeneration which were gradually getting worse and really bringing down my quality of life. After only one week with their amazing program, my vision, as measured by various vision tests, IMPROVED BY NEARLY 50%. I was absolutely amazed and delighted! They had said that they always achieved significant vision improvements, but I wasn’t sure if it would really happen – and then it did! An incredible program. My vision has not only improved, my eyes feel better because they are no longer constantly straining.

They also provide you with all the tools and techniques to continue the treatments when you get home, and I know that my eyes will just continue to get better over time, and I now look forward to a future where I don’t have to worry about losing vision. I will be able to stay active and continue to do all the things I enjoy.

In short, for anyone who has a vision problem, and you have been told that there is nothing that can be done, the Healing the Eye Center is the place to go! They have discovered all the techniques and treatments that work and achieve real results. They are a wonderful, dedicated group who are passionate about helping everyone achieve not only improved vision but improved health overall. I give them my highest recommendation.

Thank you to the whole Center staff!

Bill Regensburger
Los Angeles, California

Dear Dr. Kondrot, on the 5th April  it will be exactly two years ago that I received treatment for “wet” ARMD diagnosed in my right eye in your clinic. I am so grateful to report that my eye has healed completely and I supper no discomfort from it.

I can read normal newspaper scrip and smaller print without effort. Prior to your treatment I could hardly read newspaper sub-titles.

I took up your advise seriously and changed my lifestyle completely upon return to South Africa. Food intake, including fresh fruit and vegetables are part of my daily diet. I also started walking for exercise, but got a liking in speed walk and are now a member of our provincial team. I will be taking part in the South African Masters Athletics Championships which will take place on May 18th and 19th of May in Pretoria.

“Thank you” are small words but it comes from my hart to express  my feeling of thanks to you.

A friend heard my testimony recently and asked for your details. He is Mr. J Guldenhuys from Bloemfontein. I belief that he has already forwarded his medical reports to your office. I told him that there is one person in the USA that can help him in the same manner as that I was helped.

Best regards,
Arie Benade.
Rustenburg, North West Province
Republic of South Africa.
[email protected]

Please answer these questions to see if you qualify

1) Do you have an eye problem that is limiting your vision?

2) Have you been told by your eye doctor that nothing else can be done?

3) Are you afraid of surgery or injections?

4) Are you looking for an alternative method to improve your vision?

5) Are you concerned about passing the vision test for your drivers license?

If you answered yes to one or more of the above questions then you will benefit from the 3 day program!

What is the Kondrot Program?

It is the best way to see if the alternative therapies offered at the Healing the Eye and Wellness Center can help YOU!

Here are what patients are saying and experiencing during the 3 Day Program.

The atmosphere is friendly and relaxed and I liked the breakfast. After three days my vision is sharper
and I have a much calmer feeling. Vision improvement was 6 lines better in right eye and 4 lines better in left eye.
R.A.(ARMD) Arizona

I received good treatment from the staff. My contrast is clearer. The doctor was very helpful and kind. Actual vision improvement was 2 letter better in right eye and 3 letters better in left.
H.A.(ARMD) Arizona

I liked the treatments and the holistic approach. You could hire me! Tara is awesome. This was a good experience. Eyes seem more clear. Vision improvement was 3 letters in left eye. D.B.(Stargardt) Ohio

I like all of you! Dr. Kondrot is brillant. I am able to see better in bright light and not having to squint. I can see more color and it is easier to see without my glasses. Vision improvement in 3 days was 4 letters in right eye and 11 letters in left eye.
E.C. ( PVD, Diabetic Retinopathy) Arizona

Everyone was very caring and I saw some immediate improvement in my eyes. The staff is very friendly and made us feel at home. The doctor and therapists are very professional. Vision improvement is 5 letters in right eye and 3 letters in left eye.
D.C. (Retinitis Pigmentosa) Wisconsin

I liked most everything about this program, the business with the doctor. A rare a wonderful person and enjoyed hours with Doina and Tara. I could feel lots of changes take. I’m seeing shapes compared to only seeing light before. Vision improvement is 6 letters better.
M.C. (Optic Neuropathy, Glaucoma, Retinal detachment) California

Dr. Kondrot’s Program. Now at our beautiful new Florida Wellness Center located in Zephyrhills, FL.

Comprehensive 3 day program and one year of follow up care. Here is a summary of what is included in the 3 day program

Step One Evaluation

Detailed eye history- Need to investigate and understand the underlying cause which contributed to your eye problem and use this information to develop a treatment plan to regain vision.

Past medical history– To correlate physical problems that are contributing to your eye disease

Medications– every medicine can produce toxic effects with your eye

Dietary history– food is your best medicine

Evaluation of stressors in your life– need to establish program to reduce them

Investigation of heavy metal exposure

Diagnostic testing– Important to find out where you are with your vision, what needs to be done and then we repeat these tests at the end of the 3 days to measure your improvement!

ETDRS assessment of vision acuity. Much different than the standard snellen or big “E” eye chart.

Light house contrast sensitivity. How many of you have trouble reading lightly printed letters? This test measures your ability to see letters of lighter and lighter contrast. This is related to toxicity and heavy metal poisoning.

Color Campimetry Testing. How many of you had visual fields in a fish bowl with a flashing white light? We do visual fields using movement with 4 separate colors – red, green, blue and white.

Zinc Taste Test. A simple 2 minute test that measures the intracellular levels of zinc. Zinc is a key nutrient not only for the eye but also every enzymatic function in the body. A deficiency of zinc is a red flag that there is probably nutritional deficiencies in other vitamin and minerals

Specialized testing during the 3 days. These tests depend on your condition. Please inquire with the office for detail.

the success of your treatment.

6 hour urine for heavy metal toxicity. This test is the gold standard to determine the levels of toxic minerals in your body. Several capsules of a chelating agent are taken which cause a release of heavy metals that are locked in your neurological tissue, fat and eyes. Urine is collected for 6 hours and then sent to a specialized laboratory for analysis.

Step 2 -Treatments during the 3 day program

Microcurrent Therapy. Microcurrent is a well established therapy that improves blood flow, stimulates cellular activity, reduces scar tissue and inflammation, and helps to balance the autonomic nervous system. Your 3 day program will begin with treatments that balance your autonomic nervous system, balances neuroendocrine functions and treatments to reduce stress. We will program a detoxification program to help to reduce toxins in your body which are contributing to your disease. Emphasis will be placed on developing and fine tuning a customized program for your eye problem. This program will be fine tuned over the 3 days. Each day you will have 2 eye programs, a stress reduction program and a detoxification program.

Syntonic Light therapy. Syntonics or optometric phototherapy, is the branch of ocular science dealing with the application of selected light frequencies through the eyes. It has been used clinically for over 70 years in the field of optometry with continued success in the treatment of visual dysfunctions, including strabismus (eye turns), amblyopia (lazy eye), focusing and convergence problems, learning disorders, and the aftereffects of stress and trauma. In recent years, Syntonics has been shown to be effective in the treatment of brain injuries and emotional disorders. A specific wavelength of light will be selected to help detoxify your eye, stimulate retinal function and balance the autonomic nervous system. Each day you will receive 2 light therapy treatments

Myers Cocktail. This is a specialized intravenous vitamin mixture designed to give you the key vitamins and minerals to support the eye and visual function. It is highly suggested that all patients receive this mixture especially if you were measured deficient in zinc. It is also suggested that all patients in the program receive a Myers cocktail once a month until nutritional levels are at an optimum level.

Ozone oxidative therapy. This uses highly reactive oxygen gas which has an amazing ability to stimulate regeneration and healing. Ozone Therapy is a breakthrough treatment that is able to detoxify as it heals. It is used to treat a wide range of chronic conditions, including Macular Degeneration. We are using this therapy both intravenously, called autohemotherapy, in this therapy a small amount of blood is mixed with the ozone and then injected into your body. We are also using ozone eye drops to help stimulate the healing of the eye.

Also included are daily lectures and instructions.


Step 3- final evaluation after 3 day treatment program

ETDRS assessment of vision acuity, Light house contrast sensitivity and Color Campimetry Testing are repeated the results are compared to the pretreatment measurements. Each patient will then have a private consultation with Dr. Kondrot to review the results and outline their treatment program to continue improving their vision

Cost for the Kondrot Program which includes all of the following:

3 days of evaluation and treatment

Personalized microcurrent machine with up to 10 programs

Light therapy equipment

One month and 3 month telephone follow ups

6 month return visit to the center. One year of reprogramming of microcurrent machine.

Instructional material including educational DVD and telephone support

The cost includes all of ancillary treatments such as, Myers cocktail, ozone therapy and additional testing that might be needed.

Please call office for cost of the Kondrot Program.

Kondrot Program guarantee! 

If you do not have an improvement in your vision after the 5 day boot camp program you will not be obligated to purchase the microcurrent machine and continue the program. It is our goal to help you improve your vision and quality of life.

Read what people are saying about the Kondrot  Program

Dee Woods, medical journalist, reports on the 3 day program

Registration for the Kondrot Program!

Please call 1-800-430-9328 or 352-588-0477

or email [email protected]

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