Beet Eye Disease!

When I was younger, my grandmother would make delicious red beet soup, which I continue to make to this day. I remember trying to impress my wife by preparing this favorite dish for her when we were dating. Red beets have always been a big part of my garden, and I use...

Training with Dr. Agrapart in France!

The high light of  The International Light Association meeting  in Belgium  was a lecture and workshop by a Dr. Christian Agrapart who is the president of the European Center for Research on Energy  and Color. Dr. Agrapart and Dr Kondrot He is doing unbelievable work...

Dr. Kondrot Leaving for Paris!

I will begin a 2 year course of studies  in Paris France with Dr. Christian Agrapart, who physician and neuro-psychiatrist and President and founder of UN recognized CEREC (European Center for Research on Energetic Medicine and Colour), an international institute...

Are cataracts a form of focal scurvy?

Most people think of vitamin C deficiency associated with a rare condition called Scurvy. Scurvy is characterized by generalized  weakness, anemia, and a generalized breakdown of the integrity of the connective tissue throughout the body, resulting in easy bleeding of...
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