All You Must-Know About Farsightedness

All You Must-Know About Farsightedness

Farsightedness is also referred to as hyperopia. It’s a frequent vision condition in children as well as adults. Under this condition, the person suffering from farsightedness is able to visualize distant objects but objects that are neighboring or close to eyes seems...
7 Tips For Improving Your Eyesight Over 50

7 Tips For Improving Your Eyesight Over 50

Commonly, people start developing vision problems between their mid 40’s and early 50’s. It’s not about only during working and reading on computers, but people complain about blurred vision and teary eyes even when they read newspapers. Poor...
How Can You Stay Ahead of Age-Related Vision Loss?

How Can You Stay Ahead of Age-Related Vision Loss?

Have you ever noticed any changes in your vision in the past couple of years? The older we get, the more important it is for us to be on the watch for symptoms of age-related vision loss. As your partners in lifelong healthy eyesight, we at Healing the Eye want to be...
Here’s How Your Child’s Vision Develops

Here’s How Your Child’s Vision Develops

None of us is born with a developed vision. It takes some time for the right development of our eyes to complete growing, and also, it takes time to learn how to use them. As parents, it is important to understand how eyesight develops so that we can encourage...
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