It’s important to know what is glaucoma in order to prevent permanent blindness. Some of your eye conditions can lead to glaucoma and you may not notice. Stay aware of what causes glaucoma and find the alternative ways for glaucoma prevention. Find out more about the different glaucoma symptoms and treatment!

What Is Glaucoma | Everything You Need to Know About This Eye Condition


Signs and Causes of Glaucoma

1. Symptoms of Glaucoma

Symptoms of Glaucoma | What Is Glaucoma | Glaucoma Signs and Symptoms
Glaucoma is a serious eye condition with symptoms difficult to notice. However, keeping in mind a few of its well-known symptoms may help you be more cautious. Find out what are the 5 symptoms of Glaucoma to watch out for!

2. What Are the Signs of Glaucoma?

What Are the Signs of Glaucoma | What Is Glaucoma | Glaucoma Signs and Symptoms
It’s important to know the warning signs of glaucoma in order to catch it early and prevent any permanent damage to your eyes. Read more to find out what are the early signs of glaucoma!

3. What Are the Causes of Glaucoma?

What Are the Causes of Glaucoma | What Is Glaucoma | Glaucoma Signs and Symptoms
There’s a chance you’re experiencing eye conditions which can lead to glaucoma. The best course of action is to have these eye problems checked out and treated before they worsen. Find out what causes glaucoma!

4. Why Does Glaucoma Affect Peripheral Vision?

Why Does Glaucoma Affect Peripheral Vision | What Is Glaucoma | Glaucoma Signs and Symptoms
Glaucoma can affect your vision in different ways. Even though problems with your peripheral vision can be a symptom of other eye conditions, glaucoma is the most common. Find out why glaucoma affects peripheral vision!

5. Is Glaucoma Hereditary? | Healing The Eye

Is Glaucoma Hereditary? | Healing The Eye | What Is Glaucoma | Glaucoma Signs and Symptoms
You may be more cautious of glaucoma because it’s in your family history. There is some research that supports your worries. Find out more about whether or not glaucoma is hereditary!


Types of Glaucoma

6. Pigmentary Glaucoma

Pigmentary Glaucoma | What Is Glaucoma | Glaucoma Signs and Symptoms
Pigmentary glaucoma is a specific kind of glaucoma which involves the leakage of iris pigment. It’s another form of glaucoma which can cause permanent blindness. Read more about pigmentary glaucoma!

7. Congenital Glaucoma

Congenital Glaucoma | What Is Glaucoma | Glaucoma Signs and Symptoms
Congenital glaucoma is a type of glaucoma which affects children and infants. The onset of glaucoma in very young children led scientist to believe it may be a genetic disorder. Find out more about congenital glaucoma and genetics!

8. Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma

Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma | What Is Glaucoma | Glaucoma Signs and Symptoms
Another type of glaucoma is acute angle closure glaucoma. The high pressure inside your eye is caused by your cornea. Find out more about this type of glaucoma and what treatments to seek!


Treatments for Glaucoma

9. How to Treat Normal-Tension Glaucoma Symptoms

How to Treat Normal-Tension Glaucoma Symptoms | What Is Glaucoma | Glaucoma Signs and Symptoms
Normal-tension glaucoma is a mild case of glaucoma with treatable symptoms. If you think you’re already experiencing its symptoms, you can still manage them. Find out how to treat its symptoms and prevent normal-tension glaucoma!

10. Treating Glaucoma: Important 3’s You Should Understand

Treating Glaucoma: Important 3's You Should Understand | What Is Glaucoma | Glaucoma Signs and Symptoms
The treatment of glaucoma usually involves laser surgery or eye drops. On the other hand, a change in your diet and lifestyle is a natural way to treat and prevent this eye condition. Read more about the different homeopathic solutions to glaucoma!

11. Best Herbal Products to Help Treat Glaucoma

Best Herbal Products To Help Treat Glaucoma | What Is Glaucoma | Glaucoma Signs and Symptoms
You can greatly optimize your treatment and prevention of glaucoma with some addition to your diet. Find out what are the best herbal products to help treat glaucoma!

12. Using Medical Marijuana for Glaucoma Treatment

Using Medical Marijuana For Glaucoma Treatment | What Is Glaucoma | Glaucoma Signs and Symptoms
Medical marijuana can naturally treat glaucoma and its symptoms. This is because the medicinal herbs directly target the link between the brain and the eye to aid in glaucoma treatment. Find out how to use medical marijuana to treat glaucoma!

13. How to Prevent Glaucoma Naturally

How To Prevent Glaucoma Naturally | What Is Glaucoma | Glaucoma Signs and Symptoms
Prevention is the first important step in avoiding blindness from glaucoma. Additionally, it will also take away the need for laser surgery or other forms of glaucoma treatment. Read more about how to prevent glaucoma naturally!

14. Alternative Glaucoma Treatments You Should Try

Alternative Glaucoma Treatments You Should Try | What Is Glaucoma | Glaucoma Signs and Symptoms
There are more ways to treat glaucoma apart from laser surgery or eye drops. Find out what are the alternative glaucoma treatment you should try that is well within your budget!

15. Natural Glaucoma Cure | Healing The Eye

Natural Glaucoma Cure | Healing The Eye | What Is Glaucoma | Glaucoma Signs and Symptoms
The treatment of glaucoma needs to be immediate to avoid permanent blindness. However, this doesn’t mean you need to result in laser surgery straight away. Read more about the natural glaucoma cure to treat and prevent this eye condition!


Watch this video from SouthwesternEye to find out more about glaucoma!

What Is Glaucoma | Glaucoma Signs And Symptoms

Glaucoma is a serious eye condition which can lead to blindness. You need to know what is glaucoma and the signs of this eye disease in order to seek treatment immediately. However, changes in your lifestyle can also help prevent glaucoma and help your treatment.

Have you had glaucoma before? Do you want to know more about what is glaucoma and its symptoms? Share your thoughts and experience with us in the comments below!

Up Next: Optometry Vs Ophthalmology: How Do They Differ?

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