Summers can be fun! You may find more opportunities for physical activities, get fresh air, enjoy extra fresh veggies & fruits and have good vibes around. But do you know that you need to take extra care of your eyes during summers? Your eyes are more likely to...
Our instinct might be to assume that we’re safe from harm because it is so much colder outside. Unfortunately, this is not the case. We’re equally vulnerable to UV rays that are harmful in the winter as we’re in summer. What about our eyes, although...
Homeopathy is one of the most preferred medical procedures based on the belief that the body can cure itself. Doctors, who practice it to treat their patients through a holistic approach make use of tiny amounts of natural substances including, plants, roots, leaves...
When it comes to treatment for different eye conditions, it is commonly recommended to opt for homeopathy. However, many people get confused between homeopathy and herbal remedies or other natural eye care treatments. Well, homeopathy has its sophisticated system of...
Halloween is one of the most-awaited and favourite holidays of Americans. With so many Halloween festivities, people enjoy going beyond their theme-based costumes. They use some props, contact lenses with dark makeup and accessories that match the Halloween theme....