Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is an eye condition that affects the central region of the retina (light-sensitive tissue at the rear end of our eye). AMD leads to a lack of vision sharpness and adversely affects tasks like driving, reading and recognizing...
Lenses are suitable, safe to use, and easy to put on and get accustomed to. However, they do take a risk of eye problems, especially if hygiene isn’t maintained, and lens and eye care tips aren’t followed. Here is how you can produce your contact lens...
People (mostly women) are always excited about wearing makeup, as it helps look them glamorous. That’s the reason they put a lot of effort and time to put the makeup. But, what if this makeup becomes the problem and you can’t even see yourself in the mirror! Would you...
There are lots of autoimmune diseases that may affect the vision. The autoimmune attack may certainly attack several visual pathways. Mostly, it’s the retina and the anterior visual pathway (optic nerve and chiasm) which can be influenced by autoimmune diseases....
Many parents would not believe that an mild sports such as softball could lead their child to a medical state, however recreational and sports activities cause more than 40,000 eye injuries each year, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Kids often lack...