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Cataract Awareness Month | Everything You Need To Know

June is Cataract Awareness Month! Do you know what exactly are cataracts and are you aware of its symptoms? This article will give you everything you need to know about this eye disease, its prevention, and possible cures.

Learning About Cataract |  Cataract Awareness Month


1. What Causes Cataracts?

What causes cataracts? The most common cause of developing cataracts is aging. In fact, the risk of having cataracts begins at the age of 40. The condition worsens over time, leading to vision loss. There are also other causes of cataracts aside from aging. This article lists other cataract causes, including few of the common symptoms.

2. Cataract Surgery: What Are The Different Surgical Techniques Used?

A cataract surgery goes beyond just fixing the eye. Its main purpose is to restore the eye’s visual function. Now, there are different types of cataract surgery, and they are differentiated not only by the technique used but also by the time and costs required.

3. 7 Symptoms Of Cataracts

Finding out the symptoms of cataracts can be useful. Cataracts start out small and have little to no effect on your sight. If left unattended, cataracts may worsen, causing vision loss or blindness. This is why it is important to identify the symptoms of cataracts early on.

4. Are Cataracts Always Visible?

Are cataracts always visible? If they are visible, are they detectable early on? In some instances, when you look in the mirror, you will see your pupil is milky white instead of its normal black hue. This is not always the case. What if we told you, you cannot always see your cataracts?

5. 7 Types Of Cataracts And Its Natural Remedies

There are seven different types of cataracts, with a variety of causes. At present, experts believe that surgery is the only viable treatment for cataracts. However, research is expanding its scope to explore how a balanced diet and natural remedies can prevent or slow down cataracts. Read this list to learn about the types of cataracts, and how you can prevent them the natural way!

6. Contemporary Treatment Of Cataracts You Need To Take Note Of

As you age, you may find yourself seeking out information regarding treatment of cataracts. Ocular aging is accelerated by toxic stress, dehydration, and heavy metal poisoning. These things are also known to cause cataracts. Read this, to find out more about the cause of cataracts and contemporary treatment options.

7. Facts About Eye Cataracts You Need To Know

Eye cataracts are the most common cause of vision loss of people over 40. According to the World Health Organization, cataracts cause 33% of visual impairment around the world. It is important to know some facts about this condition in order to prevent cataracts from occurring in the future. Here are some important pieces of information that will help.

8. How To Reverse Cataract Without Surgery?

Want to know how to reverse cataract without surgery? This guide gives you a few tips on potential natural cataract treatment. Aside from getting anti-inflammatory eye drops for cataract removal such as Oclumed and Can-C eye drops, try following these tips to reverse eye cataracts naturally.

9. Avoid The Cataracts Surgery Cost By Preventing Cataracts

The average cataracts surgery cost definitely does not come at a low cost. There is always the anxiety of having to go into surgery and having cataracts treatment. The good news is, there are many ways to ensure you do not have to deal with facing cataracts surgery. Given this, here are a few things you can do that are key in preventing cataracts from developing.

10. Cataracts Definition | What Are Cataracts

Learn the correct cataracts definition to avoid the need for cataract surgery. Cataracts are among the list of common eye problems we experience as we age. Knowing what causes cataracts is central to proper cataract prevention. It is also important to know what treatment for cataracts can help you avoid surgery. Learn more about cataracts definition, symptoms, and treatment!

11. Avoid Cataract Surgery Recovery Time

Cataract surgery recovery can take months. That recovery period factors in the entire healing process. In addition, you can expect discomfort that lasts for several days. Of course, there may come a time in which cataract surgery becomes unavoidable. If your eye doctor encourages you to avoid it in the meantime, there are many things you can do to slow down cataract progression.

12. 7 Different Types Of Cataracts

While cataract surgery is one of the most performed procedures in the world, many people are not aware that there are different types of cataracts. Some ways of classifying them are by the location of the cloudiness and the means of acquisition. Knowing the different types may help you spot symptoms faster and seek treatment quicker.

13. What Are The Best Eye Drops For Cataracts?

Eye drops for cataracts are among the best potential nonsurgical solutions for cataracts. Currently, researchers are looking into developing prescription eye drops that naturally dissolve cataracts. Many are looking forward to this development because it can be a safer and more affordable alternative to eye surgery.

14. Cataract Lens Replacement Frequently Asked Questions

Cataract lens replacement is the most recent and important advancements in treating cataract patients since the 80’s. Before the invention of cataract lens replacements, also known as intraocular lens implants or IOLs, a cataract surgeon requires their patients to use thick glasses or contact lens for their eyes after surgery. Learn more about these lens implants in this article.

15. Cataract Treatment Without Surgery | Know Your Options

When most people think of cataract treatment, surgery is usually the first thought that comes to mind. While cataract surgery effectively treats the eye condition, many people are reluctant to undergo surgical treatment for cataracts. Fortunately, it is possible to enjoy some of the benefits of cataract treatment without surgery. Know more about the possible cataract treatment options available right now.

16. Cataract Eye Drops To Stop The Spread

Lanosterol eye drops cataract may be the next big thing in non-surgical cataract treatments. Say goodbye to the days when the only option for treating cataracts was a scary surgical procedure. And did we mention the long recovery period? In this article, we will be discussing the current status of this medical breakthrough.

17. Cataracts Surgery Complications To Watch Out For

Cataracts surgery may be a life-improving medical choice to make, but it is not without potential cataracts surgery complications. Patients who have cataracts should understand the risks involved even if it is a common procedure. We have listed down these cataract surgery side effects and how you can best manage them. You also need to contact your doctor as soon as possible if you experience any of these after your cataracts surgery.


Cataracts are one of the leading cause of vision impairment across the world. Learning its symptoms, treatment, and prevention is an effective way to manage this eye disease.

Is there other information you want to share about cataracts? Tell us in the comment section below!

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